Friday, October 7, 2011

Settling In

Typically when you bring babies home from the hospital, the philosophy is to sleep when they sleep.  This should be even more important with's a little difficult to do, however, with endless appointments.  We've had five doctors' visits, plus two from the home health nurse, in the past week.  We've been busy!

Wednesday was their due date!  All milestones will be calculated from October 5th, not from their birthday.  We'll now speak of their "adjusted" age - 2 days - and their "actual" age - 3 months.

Weight Check
William - 6lbs 3oz
Aaron - 5lbs 10oz

Urology appointment - The boys could not be circumcised in the NICU.  They need to have it done within the first five weeks after their due date in order to not need anesthesia.  After the initial consultation, Aaron's is scheduled for October 24th.  William, however, will need to wait until he's closer to one due to the hydroceles...which means he will need to go under.  Poor little guy :(

Retinal Specialist appointment - William was checked by the retinal specialist today to follow up on the pediatric opthamologist's concern that his ROP was questionable for treatment.  There was no question today - he needed treatment.  He received the shots of Avastin right in the office, and was a champ.  I believe the doctor had previously only given the injection to preemies in the NICU, which is one reason they had wanted to keep William hostage longer.  William did really well, though, and appears to be having no issues afterward.  His eyes will be checked again next week to see if the injections helped.

General Update - The boys are doing great!  They are eating like little monsters and love to cuddle.  We've made Anna's bedtime into family reading time, and she loves her brothers.  I have taken them on two very short walks around the neighborhood in the Moby wrap, which is fun for me, even carrying the oxygen over my shoulder.  I carried Anna everywhere in a mei tai, so I'm glad to have a similar option for the boys even though they're going to get too heavy much faster.

And if anyone plays Words with Friends on their phone - my name is TheLuckiest06 - start a game with me, I'm an addict and it's what I do while just sitting on the couch cuddling while their sleeping!

William yawning
Aaron relaxing in the bath

Out for a walk

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