Saturday, October 15, 2011


Weight Check
William - 6lbs 10oz
Aaron - 6lbs 3oz

Everything is good here!  A few people have actually asked if we were "scared" to have them home - no, there's nothing scary about it!  They are typical newborns, aside from some extra equipment and appointments.  They are eating well, gaining weight, and keeping us up all night since they eat every 3 they are supposed to do at this age :)  Early intervention came out on Monday, and will come back in early November to put a plan in place for physical therapy.  The boys also had their pulmonologist appointment this week, which went well.  William will be on oxygen for at least the next month, but we'll test him at that point to see if he's ready to come off of it.  We also had the follow up appointment with the retinal specialist, and William's eyes are looking much better.  I went back to work this week, for the first time since they've been home, and will continue to work one or two days a week through the end of the year.  Our moms will help out beginning next year so that the boys can stay out of daycare for the first year.

It is harder than I thought it would be to keep this updated right now - when I'm sitting, there's almost always a baby (or two) on my lap, which makes it difficult to type!


Our very healthy, non-smokingadult family and close friends who have had the flu shot are more than welcome to visit the boys.  We are not able to take them out into crowds for a while, as they get stronger and healthier, so the only real option to see them is to visit.  (Feel free to bring dinner if you come by!)  Their little immune systems and lungs are very susceptible to any bugs, and we'll do whatever it takes to keep them healthy, which includes severely limiting their access to the public.  That said, if you meet the criteria mentioned above, we welcome the company :)

Random Pictures

A new meaning to double fisting:

Aaron sucking his thumb:

Funny William look:

Sweet Boys: 


1 comment:

  1. Suggestion - I have heard the whooping cough vaccine is another good one for people to get as it has been "going around" in VA. It's the TDAP shot. My husband is going in next week to get it and we've asked my parents and his parents to get it as well for "just-in-case" reasons. It's good for 10 years so if you've had it recently no need to get again, but if you can't remember (which some of my friends can't), it doesn't harm you to get it done again.

    Love following up!

    ~ Fellow RAMOMer.
