Weight Check
William - 12lb 6oz
Aaron - 11lb 8oz
The boys are doing great!
William is soaring through his room air trials. His oxygen requirements have been low since he came home, at just 1/10th of a liter, but I still wasn't sure it would go this well. He's actually a happier baby without the nasal cannula in. He is now on room air (meaning no assistance) during the day, and on oxygen at night. We will do a night study the week after Christmas to see if he's ready to come off of the oxygen completely. I'm confident that he will be. He has also just been taken off of the caffeine, so he's one drug down as well.
Aaron had a head ultrasound last week to make sure there's no unexpected ventrical growth - thankfully, there is not. He will have blood work next month to see if he can discontinue the extra vitamins.
They are both happy, cuddly, loving, well-adjusted babies and we are incredibly blessed with their good health and development!
So big and handsome!!! True miracles:)
ReplyDeleteawesome news helen! thanks for the update! this time of year you think about miracles and family and all things pleasant...you've got it all right now!!