Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby Hugs

No major changes for today, which is good.  William still does not have his picc line in - they are going to let him relax tonight, as they believe the two attempts to insert it have stressed him out a bit.  Both are still doing well breathing on the CPAP, which is excellent for such little guys.  Daddy got to hold Aaron for the first time today, and I held Aaron :)  It's such a great feeling to hold them.

The second head ultrasound is tomorrow.  This is our biggest concern right now.  With everything they're going through, this is the one thing the doctors can't just fix or take back.  Please pray that the bleeding has stopped.

I'd like to thank everyone again for the ongoing support, love, and prayers.  We are incredibly blessed to have people like all of you in our lives. 

Daddy's first hold - Aaron

William's First hold, with Mommy - Baby Hugs!


  1. I wanted to offer support and encouragement. My girls are now almost 5 months old and were born at 26w5d. Your pictures look all too familiar. Being a mom of micro preemies is a roller coaster but eventually it gets easier and less draining.

  2. Amazing updates and wonderful pictures! The Voorhies family is praying for everyone.


  3. WOW!!! The Darko's prayers are with you daily. You know if there is anything we can help out with at home for you and Steve please let us know. We are not that far away. We would love to visit so as soon as it's allowed please let all of us know. Thinking of you guys everyday!

  4. We are praying for you all each and every day. The blog is amazing to follow. Just know the boys are getting the best medical care possible. Take care of yourselves as well.
    The Hammond Family
