They were both just over 21 pounds, and about 28.5 inches at their one year check-up in early July, with Aaron now slightly ahead of William in weight and length
General updates
The boys are now 13 months – they’ll be 10 months adjusted this weekend. They are doing GREAT. They are both standing up and cruising along furniture and toys. They babble and make lots of fun noises, including “mama” and “dada” (although I'm not sure if they really mean "mama" and "dada" yet). William will sometimes repeat what you say to him, and he is very, very vocal when he wants something. If you have any type of food or drink he gets very excited and screams at you – you better give him some J William is more vocal at home, but Aaron tends to be more talkative around other people. We're still waiting for more real words, which will hopefully start to come soon. Both are very social, and Aaron is definitely the little flirt with his sweet grin.
We took them to the Children’s Museum in Short Pump this weekend with friends, to crawl around in the baby area, and they both are unafraid to go over to other kids and adults and seek attention. Aaron had the first tooth and now has the other bottom one coming in, but William now has more – all four front teeth started coming in at once. Aaron has started clapping now as well (William has been doing this for a while) – and when you sing “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!” – he claps! They’re fun babies! They love peek-a-boo, they love to laugh, they love to eat, and they love attention.
Health updates
Both boys had ear infections at their one year check-up, but were showing no symptoms. William’s went away, but Aaron has pretty much had one since March, so we have a consult for tubes for him in August. It would be nice to be able to schedule the tubes and circumcision together (have both heads worked on at once...he he) since both require anesthesia, but I don’t think that’s going to be possible. Anna has had two sets of tubes now and we know how much they have helped her, so I’m not worried about the tubes. Other than that, they have both been healthy.
Our early interventionist seems to be concerned about William's eyes turning in sometimes...the boys have an eye doctor appointment in September, so we'll see what he says at that time. At the last appointment, William's eyes were great and Aaron needed glasses. They'd both be cute in glasses :)
We have the developmental clinic at St. Mary’s on Wednesday, and I’m curious as to what they will think. Everything seems to be right on track with no issues – hopefully they will say the same.
Aaron ...are you looking at ME? |
William |
Anna |
Aaron & William...they won't look at the camera at the same time! |
Aaron & William |
Aaron |
Aaron & William...trying to break into the play room |
Aaron found a girlfriend at the Children's Museum |
Aaron & William |
Grandpa giving William away to a bear |
Aaron ... Birthday Cake! |
William.. Yummy! |
William stealing Aaron's cake, after he devoured his own :) |